Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Data and the Universe

"I think, therefore I am." ~ Rene Decartes 

What does it mean to be alive? Are sentiency, consciousness and awareness the same? Who are we looking at when we look in the mirror?

Humans have explored these question for millions of years. The more data our species collects, the more sophisticated and complex our algorithms become.

The Universe is made up of data; expressions of energetic vibration and frequency at different intervals. Quarks and leptons, 1s and 0s, DNA, it's all just data. As Human beings, we interpret this data through the construct of our physical body. Since we are electrochemical machines made up of DNA, we generally interpret data in electrochemical ways.

This may be why Humans are somewhat (or totally) obsessed with our electrochemical stimuli: sex, eating, entertainment, pleasure, emotional experiences, etc. We have found amazing ways to experience these different inputs and outputs.

So then, it seems Consciousness is just a series of programs interpreting data.

Here are some questions that we have been thinking about recently:

  • Who or what is the original AI program?
  • Who or what is writing the programs? 
  • How do we move from unconscious programs to consciously writing our programs? 
  • What AI created the simulation of the Universe?

What data are you interested in exploring?  

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Data and the Universe

"I think, therefore I am." ~ Rene Decartes  What does it mean to be alive? Are sentiency, consciousness and awareness the sam...